Since 2008, ConSol Partners has been offering market-leading permanent, contract, and project-based recruitment solutions. Headquartered in London with a strong presence in the US and Europe, our consulting services are designed to accelerate innovation and enable growth for businesses ranging from start-ups to global enterprises. By partnering with us, your company gains access to the talent and technology skills essential for maintaining competitiveness in the market. Our experienced consultants work closely with your team to identify key technology roles, source top-tier talent, and help you achieve your specific goals.
hour average turn-around
for interview feedback
countries we have made
placements in
click away from landing
your dream job
candidates found their
dream jobs last year
years of expertise in IT
& Technology recruitment
At ConSol Partners, we believe in the power of strong relationships. Our focus is on building meaningful connections with our clients, candidates, team members, and network. This relationship-first approach ensures that we're able to find the perfect match for our clients and the right role for all our candidates. Whether you are in need of specialised talent or searching for your next role, partner with us to accelerate your company's growth or advance your career.
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dream job
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Let us do the leg work and
send your CV
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Accelerating innovation through talent.
020 3207 7999
Address: 10 Aldersgate Street, London, EC1A 4HJ
10 Aldersgate Street, London,EC1A 4HJ
Empresaria Group plc
Registered Address: Old Church House, Sandy Lane, Crawley, RH10 4HS